Tuesday, May 26, 2009

(Games)The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus

gDown through the centuries, some of the world's greatest
scholars have studied and debated the prophecies of Nostradamus.
Now it's your turn.
What secrets lie hidden in the lines of the 942 quatrains?
What disasters do they warn us of? Are they a window to the future?
A roadmap to the moods of fate?
But now there is hope. A deck of ancient Tarot cards can lead
you to the missing fragments of Nostradamus' crystal ball.
With the crystal ball in hand, perhaps the meaning of the
prophecies will become clear.

Find the clues.
Solve the puzzles.
Assemble the crystal ball.

The future is waiting...for you.

Game Features:
* Search for clues in 20 locations.
* Solve puzzles and play mini-games.
* Study the mysterious prophecies.
* Sixty levels of search, puzzles, and mini-games.

System Requirements:
* Mcft DirectX 8.1 or higher.
* Windows XP or Vista operating system.
* 70 megabytes of disk space.
* 128 megabytes of memory


pass : OwlsNest


Monday, May 25, 2009

(TIPS)Speed the response on your Start Menu

Feel like your Start Menu takes just too long to open pop-up menus? This delay could add up if you have to travel through a few pop-up menus to get to your word processor every day. Here's how you can speed thing up a little:

  1. Run Registry Editor(regedit.exe in Windows 95 and regedit32.exe in Windows NT).
  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
  3. Modify "MenuShowDelay" parameter to contain something from 2 to 20. If you don't see the MenuShowDelay parameter, add it as a string item and set the value.
There you go :P


(TIPS)Cara Bookmark pada browser anda.

Apakah Anda mengalami kesulitan mencari website atau halaman yang sudah pernah Anda baca sebelumnya?

Berikut tips untuk membantu Anda menemukan topik yang penting bagi Anda, cobalah dengan menggunakan bookmark,berikut tipsnya:

* Buka browser anda(Internet Explorer,Mozilla Firefox,dll) dan bukalah website yang ingin Anda bookmark.

* Pilih "Bookmark | Tentukan ..." dari menu utama.

* Opsional ketik nama yang baru.

* Klik "OK"

Sekarang Anda dapat membuka daftar bookmark Anda dan bookmark ini akan membantu Anda membuka website atau halaman yang sudah pernah anda baca sebelumnya.


(TIPS)Deleting directories and files in Dos Prompt

Just go to Start > Run and type CMD then enter.This will open the DOS Prompt.
Then in DOS Prompt you can use DELTREE command () to delete a directory that may or may not contain sub directories and files inside them. Unlike the old DEL command, DELTREE will delete these internal directories and files at the same time.


(TIPS) Increase Bandwidth

The following tweak applies only to Windows XP Professional edition.

The default system behavior is that all 100% bandwidth is available, however, if there is a running application that indicates to the OS it needs to send high priority/real time data, then as long as it has the socket open, Windows XP will restrict “best effort” traffic to 80% of the bandwidth so that high priority traffic can be accommodated. Basically, applications can make this request to the operating system for QoS support using the QoS application programming interfaces (APIs) in Windows and this only applies if a specific app is requesting QoS. If you'd like to change how much bandwidth is reserved for QoS (the default is 20% of the total bandwidth), do the following:

1. Make sure you're logged in as "Administrator" (not just any account with admin privileges).
2. Navigate to START>Run and type: gpedit.msc
3. Navigate to Local Computer Policy > Administrative Templates > Network > QOS Packet Scheduler
4. In the right window, double-click the limit reservable bandwidth setting
5. On the setting tab, check the enabled setting.
6. Where it says "Bandwidth limit %", change it to read 0 (or whatever percentage you want to reserve for high priority QoS data)
7. Click OK, close gpedit.msc

Under START > My Computer > My Network Connections > View Network Connections, right-click on your connection and under Properties (where it lists your protocols), make sure QOS Packet Scheduler is enabled.

The tweak desribed below helps boost priority for DNS & hostname resolution in general. What this means is, it helps web pages load faster, and has negligible effect on downloads (not counting the couple of ms gain with the host resolution at connect-time).

Applying this tweak assumes some proficiency in editing the Windows Registry using Regedit (Start > Run > type: regedit). As always, backup your Registry before making any changes so you can revert to the previous state if you don't like the results.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Kemarin abis ntn film Angels&Demons,wah seru yah ntnnya...sampe2 ga bisa mengalihkan mata,soalnya kalo perhatian kita teralih takut miss sama jalan ceritanya..
Tapi ada yang bilang filmnya panjang alias lama,padahal menurut g terlalu singkat =b

Anyway sempet liat trailer film2 yang akan keluar,ada yang menarik juga tuh filmnya,judulnya 2012...ceritanya kayak tentang kiamat gitu...
kapan keluarnya yaa...??


Monday, May 11, 2009

Why I think PayDotCom is the Best Affiliate Marketplace on the Net!

Hello All...

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I got headache again :(
My head feeling so heavy...I think It's just because I sleep late at nite :(
Maybe I need to rest more a bit..
Today I made new blog again...
But in different specialty hehehe...


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kartu XL Untuk Internet Unlimited Prabayar

Kemarin mo cari kartu perdana XL buat internet 100rb/bln. Tapi ternyata barangnya lagi langka banget neh...sampe 2 bulan belom ada barang :(
Kudu cari kemana lagi ya ?
Katanya seh emang XL nya sendiri yang mo ngebatasin pelanggan kartu ini untuk 150rb orang.Mungkin supaya kualitasnya bisa terjaga kali yach ? Tapi kan g belum dapet kartunya..Ada yang tau info buat dapetin kartunya ga ??


Movie (X-men Origins)

Minggu lalu baru nonton X-men Origins yang menceritakan khusus kehidupan pribadi Wolverine..
ceritanya bener2 masa2 sebelom Wolverine bergabung dengan X-men...
yach ternyata storynya bener2 flashback alias bener2 origins nya Wolverine...
tapi denger2 si Hugh Jackman uda ga mau maen film X-men lagi...walaupun honornya gede..
kenapa yaaa ??
padahal menurut g,dia itu orang yang tepat banget buat meranin Wolverine..
entahlah pas ngeliat dia pasti g ngerasa ini pasti Wolverine geto...
kalo dia ga maen film X-men lagi kira2 siapa yach yang cocok buat jadi Wolverine ???


About This Blog

I'm just an ordinary people who want to treasure all of my time in my life and I want to remember it each step I made when I get Old.
My hobby is about Computer,tips and tricks,games, I try to make a guide for gladiatus =p and anime...
I like naruto and bleach..
Also I would like to try making money from blog ^_^
Welcome and please come back here anytime..

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